Spooky season is at an end and here is an October update on what's up in Eydigard.
We spent the first part of October putting together another build for our new potential investment partner FilmFond Nord (FFN). A long and dark winter is upon us here in Northern Norway, and we are in need of a moral boost.
FFN delivered just that and has now decided to back the project and support its development. We are thrilled to announce that FFN is joining the ranks of Eydigard backers, and as we all know...exploring fairytale forests is a dangerous business so best bring a friend!
Our goal for Eydigard has not changed since its conception: We want to make an RPG that we would love to play ourselves and that is true to the interesting lore that we cherish here in our lovely frostbitten Norway.
We have received funding from the Sami Parliament this has sped up the process of getting high quality Sami characters and environments into the game. We now have two factions of Sami game ready, the reindeer tracking mountain Sami and the boat building sea Sami. We have also added some of the interesting creatures from Sami folklore, such as the terrible giant "Stallo".
The unique environments are also expanding, and the second major human settlement "Thyristrand" is almost game ready. This is the home of the "Barlind clan", which will be a central clan in the game and a great place to visit should you be in need of solid crafting skills.
One of the central pillars of our RPG is that we want the combat to be responsive, have enough complexity, and enough meaningful options so that the players can choose between several different combat styles. In the later part of this month we have started a combat mechanics sprint that will see many major changes to the combat system. With both player and NPCs getting several of our planned abilities, debuffs and effects implemented. In other words: Combat is getting a fair bit harder and a lot more fun!
Hope you have had a great start to the winter everyone!
Wishing for more snow, The Frostisen Studio Team